How the lack of confidence can cost you up to 192.000 dkk a year
A tribute to all women
How can we feel great about standing up for who we are?
An enormous amount of potential is being lost every day, because many women spend their time worrying about the wrong things. If we look good enough? If we said the right thing? If people like us? We spend most of our energy on looking good and obsessing over flaws, instead of focusing on what really makes a difference.
As a result, we have little time left for actually performing to our full potential.
Studies at the University of Florida have estimated that the feeling of confidence can add (or shave off!) between 7 and 28 THOUSAND dollars or up to 192.000 dkk. of our yearly income and that one of the main obstacles to financial success is actually low self-esteem.
We clearly need more women to stand up for themselves and feel confident. Personally I feel that nothing makes me feel more confident than a pair of heels. So, if I could get more women into heels, more women would feel confident about standing up for who they are.
So, I created roccamore and started naming all the shoes after the women I admire, and the confident women I meet every day. Hoping to inspire more women to stand up for who they are and use their energy to kick some (professional) ass 😉
Iconic power
Dusty Springfield is said to be among the best female rock artists of all time. Her big blonde hairstyle, heavy makeup, and colorful dresses made her a fashion icon of the 60s and a woman to admire. Throughout her life she fought for the right to sing and to be accepted as artist, with same status as her male colleagues.
The Soviet spy
Bella Joseph was an alleged Soviet spy in the 1940s. Along with her husband, she worked for the US Government and allegedly also for the Soviet Intelligence during World War II. Her character has since been included in several Hollywood productions.
Bella 2.200 dkk.
A true muse
Edie Sedgwick was avantgarde, independent, and one of Andy Warhol's superstars. She had a tough life, was troubled and insecure, and spent her whole life learning to stand up for who she was.
On her 21st birthday, Edie received an $80,000 trust fund from her grandmother and relocated to New York City to pursue a career in modeling. In March 1965, she met artist and upcoming filmmaker Andy Warhol at a party, and started hanging out at Warhol's art studio The Factory. She starred in most of Warhol’s films and became known as his greatest muse.
Passion and paper art
Vicki Zoe is a Danish paper artist and a passionate storyteller. Following her own way, she built a life around her unique passion for paper art - a profession that isn’t widely accepted to be a good as the more traditional ones. The important point here is that money buys you things, but passion makes you happy.
Zoe 2.200 dkk.
An everyday inspiration
Mille Sjøgren is a woman with power. A Danish voice-over artist who decided to break her family out of the everyday dullness and become digital nomads, living wherever they feel free.
With her husband and 2 kids, she has travelled the world, keeping up with the reality of school and career life, but adding surfing, beach and everyday adventures to the mix. Many only dream of feeling free, Mille had the courage to make it happen.
Merlot Millie 2.900 dkk.